
The Power of the Spin

spin that lightI have heard quite often, from several sources (not the least of which is President Obama) the phrase “It’s just the right thing to do.”

We seem to all want to do the “right thing” so that line, without any further justification, appealing to our desire to do “right” seems often to carry the day. Think about that-one doesn’t need to justify their argument, but just instead point out that it is “just the right thing to do.”

This is often said, even when the intent is to stop something else. Stopping the purchase of supersized sodas? “Just the right thing to do.” Stopping people from locking their bikes to poles that aren’t bike stands? “just the right thing to do.”

And we side with that.

So let me ask–how do you respond when the argument is flipped. “It’s just the wrong thing to do.”

Why shouldn’t I lock my bike to a lightpole? “It’s just the wrong thing to do.”

Why shouldn’t we be allowed to buy supersized sodas if we want? “it’s just the wrong thing to do.”

Does this change the conversation in YOUR mind?

(PHOTO Courtesy ofLinus via Compfight on Flickr, Creative Commons license)

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