The Countenance of Jesus

Several people have asked some very good questions. I figured I would answer a few now!

  1. “Did it suddenly appear?” A very good question. Actually I have been staring at it for a while, and wasn’t sure I wanted to say anything about it. Hey, you see a religious figure in your bathroom floor, people think you are nuts! But we were just chatting in the car, and I brought it up… and as I said, my son finished the sentence!
  2. Was it just an inexplicable urge to study the floor?” Well, sometimes one gets bored sitting there… ya know?
  3. “How do I know what Jesus looked/looks like?” From the documentary photographs and contemporary parchment etchings, of course.
  4. “He looks more like…” (Jerry Garcia, later Jim Morrison, even this lowly correspondent.) Perhaps. And perhaps JG, JM and I are simply blessed with a divine countenance.
  5. “How many people have you shown this to?” Well, until today, I haven’t SHOWN it to anyone. Those who have used the bathroom have all had opportunity to view Him, but apparently He reveals Himself only to those whom He chooses.
  6. “Who installed the flooring? What is their religious affiliation?” The floor was installed when the house was constructed nearly 4 years ago. I have no idea what their religious affiliation is. One could speculate catholic for various reasons.
  7. “Do we use any special cleaning materials when cleaning the floor?” Actually, we use normal water on a damp cloth. I suppose, given this highly religious event, it may well transform into Holy Water on contact. Perhaps I should squeeze out the cloth and sell small vials of the “Juice?” I have received a recommendation to start using frankincense and myrrh.

Send your questions my way! I will certainly answer them for you! And share the news with your friends and family! I am sure they would welcome the blessing received from this manifestation.


3 thoughts on “The Countenance of Jesus

  1. Haha, if i even use water on the hard wood floors. It’s usually just me taking a broom and sweeping it out.

    Question: Will a swirly now be a form of baptism?

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